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So far Joyce has created 422 blog entries.

Showcase Yourself in Your LinkedIn Summary

There are a variety of ways to approach the LinkedIn Summary section. Some people prefer a short summation of their business experience. Others create more of a personal vision statement and talk about the direction in which they are heading. Whatever you decide, make sure to effectively showcase yourself and your talents.   Tips for Maximizing Your Summary Section Write in the first-person for a more personal feel. If you prefer something more formal, use the formal third person. Either way, review the summary sections of a cross-section of people in your industry to see what trends and patterns you [...]

By |2015-04-16T15:34:10-06:00March 19th, 2015|0 Comments

Processing Feedback On Your Social Marketing Activities

Responding to feedback, whether solicited or not, can be challenging. As I mentioned in my earlier post: “Seeking Feedback for Your Social Marketing Activities,” our egos can get in the way of receiving constructive critique and making the appropriate changes. Recently I wrote to a number of business colleagues and personal friends asking for feedback on a series of videos I had recently created on ways to optimize a LinkedIn profile. The comments have been both specific and helpful, and I will apply many of them in my next round of creating videos. Here are my recommendations for making the [...]

By |2015-03-09T23:09:32-06:00March 9th, 2015|0 Comments

Seek Feedback for Your Social Marketing Activities

Do you solicit feedback from your clients and others regarding your social marketing activities? And if you do, do you make changes based on that feedback? I highly recommend doing both of these things on a regular basis. Customer feedback was one of the topics addressed at a recent panel discussion at Social Marketing for Business, a Denver-area group that meets bi-monthly “to focus on different social marketing techniques, tools and strategies to help businesses better understand and maximize return on investment of social marketing programs.” My favorite comment by a panelist was “When you ask your customers for feedback, [...]

By |2015-02-24T23:41:42-07:00February 24th, 2015|3 Comments

Why You Still Need Your Computer for Social Sites

With so many people opting to access social media sites from their mobile devices, some people may be wondering if they should even bother to keep accessing those sites via computer. My response is – the computer is still necessary, especially for customizing privacy settings and making changes in your personal profile on a site like LinkedIn or in the About section of your Facebook timeline. Certainly there are a wide range of activities that you CAN do on mobile devices, from sending Friend requests on Facebook, to posting a status update on LinkedIn, to pinning something to a board [...]

By |2015-02-10T23:24:03-07:00February 10th, 2015|0 Comments

Customize Your LinkedIn Profile Format

Did you know that you can move many of the sections within your LinkedIn profile and even the components within some of the sections? Whether you’re looking for a job, seeking to grow your business, or simply wanting to showcase yourself in the best possible way, you likely have a preferred format or order of presentation. That format is likely not the one provided by the template LinkedIn provides. To relocate a section, click on the icon of two arrows, one pointing up and one pointing down, at the top right corner of the section. Then you can drag that [...]

By |2015-02-03T06:37:42-07:00February 2nd, 2015|0 Comments

Video Marketing – Promoting Your Video

While I’m still in the beginning stages of promoting my videos on optimizing your LinkedIn profile photo, headline, summary, and experience sections, I do have some suggestions based on what I have learned so far. (See my post from last week "Video Marketing: Preparation Tips" on how to prepare to create a video if you are just getting started.)   Getting Some Credibility from Google If you haven’t been active on YouTube, now is the time to start. On a regular basis, search for YouTube channels in your niche and subscribe to them. Now start commenting on the videos from [...]

By |2015-01-29T19:24:34-07:00January 29th, 2015|0 Comments

Video Marketing – Preparation Tips

After nearly a year of planning, I have joined the world of video marketing. The journey from the time I decided to create videos to the time when they went up on YouTube was much longer and far more involved than I had anticipated. Here is what I learned along the way. My next blog post will provide tips for how to promote your videos once you get them made and posted so people will actually watch them. After all, that’s the point of going to all that trouble.    Reflections on Creating My First Marketing Videos First, remember you [...]

By |2015-01-22T21:34:19-07:00January 21st, 2015|1 Comment

Facebook Friendships with Business Colleagues: Pros and Cons

The more I network for my business as a social media tutor, the more people in the business world send me friend requests on Facebook. At first I ignored these requests, thinking that Facebook is a social media platform I use for personal reasons and LinkedIn is the platform I use for professional purposes. Then over time, I began to accept at least some of the friend requests, as I found myself wanting to get to know my some of my business connections on a personal level too. Some Advantages of Being Facebook Friends with Business Colleagues You can tag [...]

By |2015-01-20T00:36:19-07:00January 13th, 2015|0 Comments

Engaging With LinkedIn Connections

Recently a client of mine asked me how to get more business out of his connections on LinkedIn. He has been systematically connecting with potential clients and referral partners and is pleased to have over 500 connections, however, he has yet to close a deal or get a referral through any of his connections. After reviewing his profile and activity on LinkedIn, I made several recommendations. I thought I would share these recommendations with my blog readers, as one or more of them may resonate with you.   Tips for Engaging with LinkedIn Connections Make regular status updates. Many LinkedIn [...]

By |2015-01-06T08:45:03-07:00January 6th, 2015|0 Comments
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