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So far Joyce has created 423 blog entries.

Taking a Friend to Taste of the West

Taking a Friend to Taste of the West   Last night I had so much fun taking a friend to Taste of the West, one of my favorite West Metro Chamber events. My friend Linda Schreiner is a licensed, independent insurance broker specializing in Medicare and is affiliated with Integrity Insurance. I met her in the late 1990s, and she’s been my friend ever since. According to the chamber’s promo for this event: “Taste of the West is Jefferson County's premier culinary event! Join over 80 vendors and 1,000 foodies for this food, beverage, and business extravaganza! Experience the best restaurants, [...]

By |2024-06-07T16:47:53-06:00June 7th, 2024|2 Comments

Why I Love My Aging Well Leads Group

There are many reasons that I love my Aging Well Leads Group, one of my favorite business networking groups.   Background on Aging Well Leads Group Our group started in May 2019 when the West Metro Chamber held a fair called “Aging Well.” The fair was for people providing services to older adults and people looking for such services. Several chamber members, including current leads group members Ann Coughenour, Jenn Gomer, Josh Caucutt, and Paulette Fierle, believed it was important for the chamber to have a leads group focused on serving older adults. All our members provide services for older [...]

By |2024-05-30T20:41:52-06:00May 30th, 2024|0 Comments

Feedback on Your LinkedIn Profile

How do you like to get feedback on your LinkedIn profile? Do you prefer to get feedback in a private setting between you and the person giving the feedback? Or would you prefer getting feedback in front of a small group of people who are also getting such feedback? Maybe both approaches appeal to you. Or perhaps you want to start by having an overview class on LinkedIn to learn more about profiles in general. Starting June 14, I’m launching a monthly LinkedIn small group coaching workshop. The “Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile Workshop” will be every second Friday from 9 [...]

By |2024-05-23T20:09:19-06:00May 23rd, 2024|0 Comments

Monitor Your Facebook Business Page

Do you regularly monitor your Facebook Business Page? Many of us post to our Facebook Business Page periodically. However, do you also monitor what’s happening on your page? I encourage you to monitor the comments on your posts and the reviews of your company.   Comments on Your Facebook Business Page Check your notifications a few times a week. Look for comments on your posts. Respond promptly. As a business owner, it is crucial to monitor these comments. You can also delegate this task to a trusted associate. Reply to the comment with a note of appreciation. Doing so honors [...]

By |2024-05-17T21:56:53-06:00May 17th, 2024|0 Comments

Showcase Your Skills on LinkedIn

Did you know there are several ways to showcase your skills on LinkedIn? LinkedIn’s help center says: “Maintaining a relevant list of skills on your profile will help others understand your strengths and match you with the right opportunities.” A robust and appropriate list of skills on your profile is essential, whether you are a job seeker or a business owner. In her recently updated article Updating Your Profile on LinkedIn: 13 Skills You Should Add (and 3 Types You Shouldn’t), Zoe Kaplan covers: Why you should add LinkedIn skills Types of skills to add, such as job skills and [...]

By |2024-05-02T21:23:17-06:00May 2nd, 2024|0 Comments

LinkedIn Training for CU Denver Change Makers

Recently, I conducted LinkedIn training for participants in the Change Makers program through the University of Colorado Denver. The time with them flew by, as they had so many questions about LinkedIn. This wonderful experience energized me. The participants in the semester’s program are 56 to 74 and looking for what to do next. Some are currently in the workforce, and some have retired relatively recently. The folks I spoke to are in the 10th week of this 14-week program, which involves twice-a-week classes. The program is structured to provide the participants with plenty of opportunities for self-reflection. It [...]

By |2024-04-06T20:01:20-06:00April 4th, 2024|0 Comments

Do You Have a Growth Mindset?

Do you have a growth mindset? “Some people have a growth mindset, which means they hold an internal belief that their talents and intelligence can be developed from hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn from your mistakes. Others have a fixed mindset, which means they believe that their abilities are innate and cannot be changed much, if at all.” This quote is from Emily Ryan’s article “Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset – What Do They Really Mean?” She says that “those with a growth mindset are more likely to take on new challenges and learn new skilMovils, [...]

By |2024-04-06T20:02:45-06:00March 28th, 2024|0 Comments

The Value of Being on a Peer Advisory Board

Ever since I joined one a few months ago, I’ve truly seen the value of being on a peer advisory board. I belong to a seven-member peer advisory board that meets virtually once a month for three hours. Mary Gaul, my business coach and owner of Success Magnified, runs this board and a few others. Having offered this peer advisory board experience for over eight years, Mary does a masterful job. The photo with this post shows Mary with me and the other members of my board. Top row: Joyce Feustel, Mary Gaul, and Amanda Miller; Middle row: Jennifer [...]

By |2024-03-21T14:55:26-06:00March 21st, 2024|0 Comments

How To Be More Successful at Networking

Would you like to learn how to be more successful at networking? Many people can feel frustrated or even intimidated about networking with others, especially in business environments. So, they avoid going to networking events. Or they attend them, but only talk with people they already know. Over the 11 years I’ve been in business full-time, I’ve learned a lot about networking with other business owners. I’m breaking this blog post into the “what” and “how” of networking. These tips apply to in-person networking. The “What” of Networking When and Where – Select networking events and groups that meet when [...]

By |2024-03-07T08:33:15-07:00March 7th, 2024|0 Comments

Use Social Media to Announce Your Accomplishments

Do you use social media to announce your accomplishments? You may feel that people will get annoyed if you celebrate yourself. Instead, I have experienced that people will be happy for you and honor you for your accomplishments.   Being Named 2024 Solopreneur of the Year On February 13, 2024, the West Metro Chamber of Commerce, serving Jefferson County, Colorado, named me its 2024 Solopreneur of the Year. There were three award finalists, and the emcee acknowledged each of us individually. I was thrilled to hear her read my name as the award winner. Walking up to the stage [...]

By |2024-02-16T08:01:51-07:00February 15th, 2024|0 Comments
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