Want to brand yourself better on LinkedIn? Most people do! So why not you, too?

One of the easiest ways to improve your brand is to customize your LinkedIn URL.

Even though it’s easy to customize your URL, many people don’t even know they have one.

Back when you created your LinkedIn account, LinkedIn assigned you a URL that had your name and a set of random letters and numbers. Think of it as an account name. Everyone gets one, but they’re nothing special.

The URL appears at the top of your LinkedIn profile. People also see it at the top of your Contact and Personal Info section. When you look at another person’s profile, this section is at top right of their profile. You find your own Contact and Personal info section on the right-hand side of your profile, but a little further down the page.


Examples of Ways of Customizing a LinkedIn URL

  • Simply use your first and last name.
  • Add a degree (e.g. MBA) or a professional designation (e.g. CPA) after your first and last name.
  • Include a middle initial or middle name if you have a common name and that URL is already taken.
  • Use your business name instead.
  • Add a keyword or two to the end of your first and last name. For example, I could add the words social media tutor after Joyce Feustel.


Why Bother?

  • Show savvy LinkedIn users that you’re not a LinkedIn “rookie.”
  • When people copy and paste your LinkedIn URL to include in introductions sent by email, it looks more professional.
  • If you add a keyword or a professional designation, people will quickly know your line of work.


The first chapter of my recently published free e-book 9 Ways to Stand Out on LinkedIn includes specific instructions on how to customize your LinkedIn URL. And signing up to receive my e-book gives you access to the video tutorials that accompany each chapter. In addition, you will get monthly emails about trends and useful tips in all areas of social media.


And it’s free! All you have to do is sign up at: http://boomerssocialmediatutor.us3.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=9b6f8a963432c068f0eb8c5b0&id=90bb4ff636


How About You?

How have your customized your LinkedIn URL? What are your thoughts around using your first and last name vs. using your business name?

About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those ages 45 and older, to become more comfortable using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter.

She works with business owners, business development professionals, leaders of nonprofit organizations, job seekers, consultants, and many others. Find her at www.boomerssocialmediatutor.com.


This article was originally published as a blog post on my website at https://boomerssocialmediatutor.com/want-stand-linkedin/