If you were like me, you probably held back signing up for the Timeline format of Facebook until you saw enough other friends on Facebook converting to it. I finally switched over to it shortly before the date that Facebook said they were switching everyone over to it.
Once I got more comfortable with the Timeline format, I didn’t really mind it, just as I have adapted (sometimes grudgingly) to all the other changes on Facebook. The way I figure it, Facebook provides me at no charge a very nifty way to stay in touch with people I care about. So, unless the changes are really weird, I imagine I will just have to live with them.
For those of you, who like me, are still figuring out how the Timeline format works, check out the “help” option in the drop down box of choice at the top right of your Home screen. The drop down box is just to the right of the word “home.”
Then click on Help. You will be given some choices of things you might want help with. What I like to do is go the help center. Go to https://www.facebook.com/help/timeline for specific information using the Timeline aspect of Facebook.
It has sections related to getting started with Timeline, how to update information, add a cover photo, learn about privacy options and more. Also, it can help you learn how to share stories, make them important (star them), and how to hide them.
For example, I was recently cruising through my Timeline (OK, it was a very slow night at my house), and I started reading posts I made back in December 2008 when I started to get active on Facebook. From all I can tell, these posts are ones I am still comfortable having up for people to see.
However, if you don’t want the whole world to know what you were up to back in 2008 on Facebook or whenever you got started with it, go through the Facebook tutorials. See how you can hide a post or even delete it. Just one word of warning – if you “tagged” someone else on Facebook in your post by listing their name, that post will still appear on their Timeline.
How do you like Timeline? Have you gone in and made extra entries besides what Facebook automatically pops into your Timeline based on what you put into your About section? Have you deleted or hid anything any posting?
I always like to find out what others are doing with Timeline. Watch this blog for further observations on Timeline and any other aspects of Facebook that are fascinating me at the time.
Always looking for ways I can help you become more effective with social media – Joyce Feustel, Boomers’ Social Media Tutor
Hi Joyce, I try to keep my personal information on Facebook to a minimum – the privacy issues continue to be worrisome, to my mind, and not enough within the user’s control – so apart from pretty much daily postings/photos/links I don’t do anything with timeline.
Melissa, you make a really good point about being wary about sharing too much personal information on Facebook. In fact, your points about privacy issues on social media have given me an inspiration for a blog post on that topic.
They still haven’t forced everyone to convert, despite several supposed deadlines. To me, it just seems clunky and harder to find things, but I’ll change over eventually.
Yes, I find it interesting that after all the hype about the Timeline and everyone being forced to convert to it, that when it came right down to it, Facebook didn’t automatically push everyone’s profile into a Timeline format.
I liked the timeline cover photo which is why I guessed how to post one…just click on Timeline. I liked what I saw on friends’ pages. As a result of the new monthly order, I deleted my old stuff, mostly trivial comments. I perfer keeping my helpful evergreen posts such as articles and videos. Keep it clean and tidy…like housecleaning.
All the original info reposts on the new timeline as far as I can tell.
Thanks for the tips Joyce!
Janet, I always like to see what approaches others using Timeline have taken. Thanks for sharing your approach.