Boomers' Blog

Being a Newbie

Being a Newbie Starting this blog as the Boomers’ Social Media Tutor has forced me to learn a lot. Sure, I can write, but the rest of the process has frankly been rather intimidating. Each night I promise myself I will actually figure out the logistics of the posting process. Then I find something else to do instead. Something I know how to do, like cruise around on Facebook or work a crossword puzzle. Being that my role as a social media tutor is helping the newbies to Facebook and LinkedIn (and other social media sites once I figure them [...]

By |2012-04-29T12:40:47-06:00April 29th, 2012|0 Comments

Watershed Moments

What are your watershed moments? I am referring to those moments in time in which you realized that after that moment your life would never be the same. For me, three moments come to mind. Curiously - all occurred in December. The first moment happened in December 1980, for that’s when gave birth to my older daughter Anne. All through my 20s I had resisted having children. And finally at age 31 I was ready to take the plunge into parenting. Once my daughter was born, I realized how much being a mom meant to me, and how glad I [...]

By |2012-04-21T21:50:07-06:00April 12th, 2012|3 Comments
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