Boomers' Blog

In-Person Business Networking is Back!

I’m delighted that in-person business networking is back! As an off-the-chart extravert and compulsive connector, it feels great to be seeing people face-to-face again. My very first in-person business networking event since the pandemic started took place this week. I attended Women in Business, an offering of the West Metro Chamber of Commerce, my local chamber. At this monthly program, geared toward women business owners, we have terrific speakers and plenty of time to mingle with each other. Each month we have a different sponsor, and this time Colorado Credit Union both sponsored and hosted the event. Shauna Brazil, Director [...]

By |2021-05-26T20:46:51-06:00May 26th, 2021|0 Comments

The Fortune is the Follow-Up

Jim Rohn was a highly-regarded motivational speaker, author, entrepreneur, investor, and business philosopher.  One of his best-known quotes is “The fortune is in the follow-up,” meaning you need to follow up with a person to make a sale. This approach is also very relevant to business networking. Following up after events or group meetings is essential if you are to generate results. Recently, I was telling a business colleague that 70% of my business comes from networking. She responded that if that was the case, I must be good with my follow-up, and I am. My disciplined approach to follow-up [...]

By |2021-05-12T21:20:26-06:00May 12th, 2021|2 Comments

How Personal Should You Get in Your LinkedIn Posts?

People sometimes ask me “How personal should you get in your LinkedIn posts?” In researching this topic, I found a wide range of opinions, including lists of what not to post about. The piece that especially caught my eye and resonated with me was one by LinkedIn expert John Nemo. Entitled: “How ‘Getting Personal’ With Your LinkedIn Updates Can Drive Significant Reach,” Nemo argues for being personal on LinkedIn. One of my favorite quotes from the article is: “More than ever – and especially in the digital space – your potential clients and customers are craving authenticity and transparency, they’re [...]

By |2021-05-05T22:02:59-06:00May 5th, 2021|0 Comments

Additional Ways to Use Your LinkedIn Profile to Brand Yourself

Building on my blog post from last week, here are some additional ways to use your LinkedIn profile to brand yourself. In that blog post I focused on your LinkedIn URL, background photo, and the about and featured sections. This post has tips related to the experience and volunteer experience sections, skills & endorsements, recommendations, and the accomplishments section. Brand Yourself in Your Experience and Volunteer Experience Sections   Most of my tips for the experience section also apply to the volunteer experience section. So, I’m grouping these sections together for this post. In both the position titles and position [...]

By |2021-04-28T21:34:49-06:00April 28th, 2021|0 Comments

Ways to Use Your LinkedIn Profile to Brand Yourself

Have you wondered about ways to use your LinkedIn profile to brand yourself? Whether you are a business owner or a job seeker, LinkedIn offers many ways to do this. In this blog post I focus on your LinkedIn URL, background photo, and the About and Featured sections. Watch for a follow-up post on ways to use other parts of your profile to brand yourself.   Customize Your LinkedIn URL Back when you created your LinkedIn account, LinkedIn assigned you a URL that had your name and a set of random letters and numbers. Think of it as an account [...]

By |2021-04-22T22:12:48-06:00April 22nd, 2021|0 Comments

Ways to Appreciate Others on Facebook and LinkedIn

One of the many things people ask me is to show them ways to appreciate others on Facebook and LinkedIn. In this post, I’ll focus on ways that relate to your business relationships with others, rather than your personal relationships. Also, I’m expanding the concept of appreciation to include promoting others as well as thanking them. Acknowledging others on these social sites is an important part of enhancing these business relationships. Consider creating a system of reminders so that you remember to take the time to honor others.   Appreciate Others on Facebook Like their Facebook business page and encourage [...]

By |2021-04-15T21:57:45-06:00April 15th, 2021|0 Comments

What a LinkedIn Profile’s Activity and Interests Sections Can Tell You

Have you ever wondered what a LinkedIn profile’s Activity and Interests sections can tell you about a person? Heck, you might not even know about these sections. People often ask me how to decide whether or not to connect with someone on LinkedIn. Checking out these sections, especially the Activity section, can help you make this decision.   Activity Section The Activity section includes everything that a person has posted, shared, reacted to, or commented on in the last 90 days. This section is found just above their Experience section in their profile. Start by clicking on the words “See [...]

By |2021-04-07T21:22:04-06:00April 7th, 2021|0 Comments

Use LinkedIn to Promote Your Service Club

Have you ever thought to use LinkedIn to promote your service club? Service clubs, such as Rotary, Lions, Optimists, and Kiwanis often use Facebook to promote their clubs. I believe that such organizations can also use LinkedIn effectively to help draw attention to their clubs and grow membership. Recently I gave a presentation on this topic to members of the Lakewood Foothills Rotary Club. Many members of the club have a LinkedIn account and were intrigued by my recommendations. Even the retired members seem open to revitalizing their account to help promote the club.   Promote Your Service Club In [...]

By |2021-03-31T21:23:23-06:00March 31st, 2021|0 Comments

Pay Attention When Someone Suggests a Business Idea to You

Do you pay attention when someone suggests a business idea to you? If you’re not doing that, I highly encourage you to do so. Recently, Riah Gonzalez of Linq Consulting Solutions interviewed me for her Client Experience Revolution Podcast. At the end of each podcast, she always asks her guests two questions: If there is just one idea that you would like the podcast listener to take away from the episode, what would it be? What’s the best piece of advice you have ever gotten? Before the podcast interview started, she gave me a heads-up that she would ask these [...]

By |2021-03-24T21:25:11-06:00March 24th, 2021|0 Comments

What are the Best Ways to Enhance a LinkedIn Profile?

A common question asked of me is “What are the best ways to enhance a LinkedIn profile?” Although there are many approaches to take when enhancing a LinkedIn profile, there are some key considerations. Questions to ask yourself include: Who do I want to reach and associate with on LinkedIn? How do I want to come across on LinkedIn? What results do I hope to get from using LinkedIn? When I review a LinkedIn profile, there are three key components I always check to learn more about the person.   Three Key Components of Your LinkedIn Profile Your LinkedIn profile [...]

By |2021-03-17T20:25:49-06:00March 17th, 2021|0 Comments
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