Who are your mentors?

They might be people you connect with on a regular basis, such as local colleagues who you turn to for business guidance. Or, in this age of social media, they could be people you rarely meet in person, or someone you have never met “in the real world”. They could be authors, bloggers, or other thought leaders whose work you respect.

Concept of mentoring. Transparent ball with inscription mentoring in a hand

For me, as a social media tutor and trainer, I regularly seek guidance from my fellow members of Colorado Women in Social Media, as well as other local social media colleagues. In addition, I read the blog posts, newsletters, and social media posts of nationally known social media experts. This week I am especially grateful to two of those experts: Andrea Vahl and Wayne Breitbarth


Andrea Vahl, Social Media Coach, Speaker and Strategist

Andrea Vahl

Andrea came to the rescue this week when I was super-frustrated over some recent changes to Facebook business pages. No longer could I log into my business page as my page, nor could I like other business pages as my page.

A process I had done (and taught) hundreds of times was seemingly no longer available to me. And as luck would have it, these changes were made right as I was preparing to teach a class on using Facebook business page at Colorado Free University (CFU). It is always difficult for me when I am feeling behind the eight ball, so to speak, when I am supposed to know what I am doing – I am the teacher after all.

The day after the class, I was delighted open my inbox and find a blog post by Andrea’s alter ego Grandma Mary – Social Edutainer. In this post, she painstakingly reviewed the new process for logging into your page as your page. She also illustrated the new way to like a business page as your business page and how to make comments as your page.

Here is a link to that blog post:



Wayne Breitbarth, LinkedIn Trainer, Speaker and Consultant

Wayne Breitbarth

It was great timing that Wayne (who lives in Milwaukee, WI) and I had planned to meet for coffee this past week when he was in town doing some training and consulting. A few days earlier, I had a tutoring session with a client who had specific questions about using LinkedIn company pages. I must admit that I don’t know as much about their company pages as I should, and I felt at a bit of a loss during that session.

I emailed Wayne my questions about company pages in advance of our meeting because he is an expert in this area. He printed out my email and brought it to our coffee session so we could go through them one by one. As it turns out, I am more knowledgeable about company pages than I thought I was, but it was great to have someone help me fill in the gaps.

To sign up for his weekly blog posts on LinkedIn, go to: https://yx175.infusionsoft.com/app/form/204e93c9d23f21e68041aece51c7711f


 How About You?

Who are your mentors? Are they people in your field you associate with regularly? Or are they experts in your industry you follow through social media or their blogs and books. Most likely, it’s a combination of two, as it is for me.


About Joyce

Joyce Feustel, Founder of Boomers' Social Media Tutor

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 50 and up, to become more comfortable using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter.

She works with business owners, business development professionals, leaders of nonprofit organizations, job seekers, retired people, consultants, and many others. Find her at www.boomerssocialmediatutor.com.